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    How do you make money from Google AdSense without a website? You may be asking yourself that question, but the answer is straightforward. There are many ways to make money from Google AdSense without a website. 

    However, Google has recently made it possible for people without websites to make money through AdSense by using Blogger, YouTube, and many more, but there are also some new programs that you might not be aware of yet. If you are interested in this opportunity and want more information about how it works, keep reading!

    How Does Google AdSense Work?

    How Google AdSense work?

    Google AdSense is a program that allows websites (news, entertainment, e-commerce) to include targeted advertisements from their advertisers to earn more revenue.

    Much like bloggers can use affiliate programs for various sites to earn money on the side, websites can participate in Google AdSense, which allows them to display ads from many companies and provide users with an alternate source of income. 

    Yes, Google AdSense can create an additional revenue stream for many blogs and websites.

    Earnings are determined by several factors, most notably the size of advertisements and how often ads appear on each page visit. For example, if a person visits a site once in their lifetime or never goes back to it again, that is only one visit and would yield zero performance-based earnings associated with that domain. Conversely, suppose they frequently return daily with dozens of ad impressions per user session (such as news sites). In that case, Google AdSense Income Ads could be significant for generating more income.

    You can also earn from Google AdSense even if you do not have a website. Let’s see how.

    Also Read: 7 successful ways to eliminate Google Ads click fraud.

    4 Ways To Make Money From Google AdSense Without A Website

    Following are the ways to earn from Google AdSense even if you don’t have a website.  Read on!

    Revenue Sharing Sites

    Revenue Sharing Sites

    Revenue-sharing websites, mainly known as Web 2.0 sites, are great for generating the funds needed to start your blog or take it to the next level. You can create and log in to a website and give away items in return for a certain number of visitors. After each visitor does an “action” on your site, you’re given credit, which is converted into money in real-time.

    The beauty of revenue-sharing networks is that they are dedicated to providing you with as many users as possible (within reason) so that you can make use of their fund-generating benefits. You’ll also get additional benefits like customer service support, analytics control panel, and discounts at partner retailers. 

    If you want to make money off your content, a few things will be helpful. 

    First of all, create an AdSense account and join one or more revenue-sharing websites using the personal publisher ID from this account. Then write engaging articles up to 20-25 sentences long with any relevant videos and pictures included (try finding ones related directly). Finally, publish these works online at 3-6 different sites!

    You can check popular revenue-sharing sites over here.

    Create A Free Blog On Blogger

    Create a free blog on Blogger

    An easy and free way to create a blog is at, and then submit your blog where you can go without knowledge of coding or designing your website.

    Once your blog is approved, you will automatically have access to the Google AdSense dashboard. You can set up the various ad zones to display ads based on where you want them to be placed or by the day they should be displayed. 

    This platform offered by Google for bloggers who want to share their passion online has helped many people grow exponentially in terms of audience reach and domain name presence–all completely free!

    Plus, you can earn money by simply signing up for monetization and setting up your Ad setting.

    Use AdMob To Earn From AdSense

    Use AdMob to earn from AdSense

    Creating an app can be very difficult and expensive, but it is a great way to make money. Google’s AdMob helps you monetize your application by showing ads within themselves. It gives developers lots of opportunities like creating news applications that are popular now or even games for mobile devices.

    Yes, a popular way to make money is by creating News Apps. First, develop your own News App and add Google AdMob service so that you can start earning ad revenue from it. Then gather news stories in or around the area where you live and update regularly! 

    If you focus on maintaining this app with fresh content for visitors, then downloads will increase since people love staying up-to-date about what’s happening right now in their world; they’ll use your app over others because of its convenience, which means more potential income for yourself too!

    Create A Channel On YouTube

    Create a channel on YouTube

    Another way you can earn money from Google Adsense without a website is if you have a YouTube channel with adverts. If at least 25% of your videos each week are ad-supported, in addition to meeting their minimum view requirements, then your account is likely eligible for monetization with Adsense. 

    The amount that Google will pay you as an individual or organization may vary depending on the number of views or percentage of impressions (CPM) that your videos generate and share compared to other content. 

    There are many ways to earn with YouTube and Google Adsense. The most common method is through the use of Adsense for in-stream advertising during videos. This method allows content creators to work with brands to display informative, non-intrusive ads that provide revenue options based on viewer engagement metrics and duration of advertisement time.

    If you don’t want your screen covered by an advertisement, there is the option of “sponsored posts.” There you can write about anything you want–except mentioning other websites–and add a link at the end or within each text/video post. Sponsored posts will not show up as an ad; they’ll only be displayed as blog posts.

    Summing Up – Last Few Words!

    Google Adsense programs are available to publishers around the world. The Google Partner program is an initiative that enables businesses or individuals to earn money through their websites, giving advertisers a new and more cost-effective way of reaching people online. It does this by matching relevant ads from AdWords advertisers with content on partner sites. 

    If you’ve been wondering how to use Google AdSense in your marketing strategy, this blog post has some alternative ways for earning with AdSense that don’t require a website. You may be able to generate more revenue without the hassle of owning an online store or managing content by using these 4 methods. 

    Have you tried any of them? Would they work well for your business? 

    Contact me today if you’re feeling overwhelmed and want help setting up Google AdSense on your site!

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