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    No matter how much we evolve as a society, the basic principles that govern our lives remain unchanged. The same is with marketing and advertising strategies. 

    Innovation is always welcomed, but it’s essential to keep the tried-and-true methods as well. 

    Success in PPC marketing is not something that you can achieve overnight. It takes years of hard work, dedication, and patience to get there. 

    However, if you are at the beginning of your PPC marketing journey or have been running PPC campaigns for a while now but are not seeing the success you expected, this blog post is for you! 

    In this article, I will be discussing 9 PPC trends to opt into to get ahead in the search engine rankings in 2021.

    Let’s take a look!

    9 PPC Trends You Should Be Opting To Get Ahead

    PPC Automation

    PPC Automation

    Automation in PPC is the use of macro codes to automate repetitive tasks. It allows users to save time when performing monotonous tasks, like checking reports or sending emails. It can also help in creating complex sequences of events without user input. Automated scripts provide opportunities allowing users to develop their solutions/products for more efficient workflows or even entirely new applications (that they could sell).

    The two main types of automation available within Google Ads account for controlling and optimizing campaigns:

    1. Optimizing: Automated rules will automatically allow you to change their campaigns based on specific triggers that occur as a campaign runs/manages itself. You can use these to either optimize their campaigns or perform standard tasks without user input. You can apply to many types of campaign-level information, including budget & daily budget, ad schedules, keywords lists, etc. These rules work by detecting when a rule’s trigger occurs (e.g., if the CPC for all ads in an ad group is more significant than $0.25), then runs the action(s) that you specify (such as pausing all ads within that group).
    2. Controlling: Automation will help you have the most control over the changes you want to make automatically when a rule’s trigger occurs. For example, if you’re going to change your daily budget when conversions occur in your ad group, then automated rules are a good choice for that level of automation. They have been available on Google Ads since 2008 and improved in recent years by introducing features such as enhanced triggers and more reliable actions.

    Also read: 7 Horrible PPC Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Ad Campaigns

    Artificial Intelligence

    As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly present in society, it is changing many aspects of life. However, the economic impact has been more challenging to predict. As we approach 2030, there are projections that it will reach $15.7 trillion, according to an estimate from the 2018-2030 e report released this year!

    Due to the recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence technology, Artificial intelligence has become more popular. 

    Artificial intelligence is a form of “Machine Learning,” which is essentially computers learning how to learn new tasks without being programmed explicitly. It means that Artificial intelligence allows marketing professionals to gain marketing insights through automated tasks created by Artificial intelligence algorithms.

    One can use AI in various aspects of PPC such as campaign management, creative strategy, keyword research, and more – the possibilities are endless! 

    Artificial Intelligence also gives us insight into how we can better develop a machine to make it smarter/more efficient in performing repetitive tasks in future iterations, known as Machine Learning. 

    Machine learning technology uses AI to learn from data and make predictions based on a trained model. It can enhance your account by suggesting bid adjustments, keywords suggestions, who to exclude from an audience targeting list, pausing low-performing ads, and more.

    Ads Data Hub

    Ads Data Hub

    Google announced in 2020 that third-party pixels would no longer be allowed to track YouTube campaigns, which has caused Ads Data Hub to become a top PPC trend for marketers who want an alternative. With their decision to keep security concerns at heart and to come up with the solution they needed as well, Google hopes this news helps combat marketers’ data breaches from hackers or other companies looking through your private information like email account credentials!

    Google’s Ads Data Hub is the perfect solution for any business that wants to tailor its marketing measurements. You’ll be able to understand how your ads are performing across screens, including mobile devices, with this comprehensive reporting and data collection service – something not available through pixels alone!

    The Ads Data Hub has two sections:

    1. The first section allows you to see aggregate benchmark data about the various targeting options available to you (e.g., demographic, placement). These benchmarks are estimated using aggregated anonymized Google Ads search query data.
    2. The second Ads Data Hub section allows you to join that aggregated anonymized Google Ads search query data with your Google Ads display campaigns to help you better target ads. You can then view results using that inferred targeting information within your existing campaigns. You can use Ads Data Hub as a reporting tool to see how changes in search campaign settings might impact the performance of your display campaigns.

    Suppose you believe cross-channel advertising is beneficial for your business. In that case, Ads Data Hub can allow you to make decisions from aggregated anonymous Google Ads search query data and apply those insights across all the other channels in which you advertise (online and offline). 

    Voice Search

    Google Voice Search is a search engine that uses Voice Recognition technology to convert the sounds into text, which it then links to search results on Google. It may be used from any phone with voice capabilities and can therefore include mobile phones.

    Shortly, consumers will be able to shop for products and services with their voices. Voice sales will reach $40 billion by 2022, as per a recent study.

    In addition, voice-based ad revenues from this trend could increase by 400%, going up as high as 19 billion dollars in just three years.

    1. Voice Searches are increasing steadily: The new trend of Voice Search in PPC brought about by the popularity of Voice Search among internet users has slowly risen since its introduction in 2013. This change has affected the way we conduct our searches and has changed the way marketers will approach this method of searching for information online. We use voice search is also different from regular examinations, such as typing into a search bar, because we assume that it did not understand our query if we found no result.
    2. Site Visitors Using Voice Search: It is no surprise that Voice Search queries are different from regular ones, and it may be difficult for some businesses to understand or improve their ranking on Voice searches. It means that there is a lot more room for Voice Searches in PPC and voice apps such as What App, Gmail, Spotify, etc. According to the latest research on Voice Search, almost 1/3 of online queries performed using Voice, giving us some idea of its importance in today’s digital industry.

    Responsive Search Ads

    Responsive Search Ads

    The responsive search ad format allows marketers to create an advertisement that shows more text than just one headline. It enhances the user experience by reading relevant messages while searching for products or services specifically tailored to them, with 15 unique headlines total! 

    Four descriptions are also allowed on these ads, making it easier than ever before possible to reach your targeted audience quickly without wasting time trying out different combinations until you find something successful. All this happens automatically thanks to AI intelligent technology from their team at Google, who knows best about what will work well when combined creatively using math equations. 

    The structure of responsive ads could be different depending on the device they’re being viewed on. They are meant to connect with the searchers in an imitative way that shows them what they are looking for.

    They are different from mobile-first ads, which load only when someone is searching from their mobile device; responsive Ads adjust themselves based on whatever type of screen you are viewing them at. Responsive ads have “breakpoints” that allow them to change the way they look, so they fit better on larger devices like tablet or desktop screens and smaller devices like smartphones. The idea is that if someone’s searching for something specific, it’s better to have an ad that shows them exactly what they’re looking for, regardless of the device.

    Also read: Improve Google Ads Quality Score: 7 Strategies To Get The Best ROI

    New Instagram Opportunities

    The hot new social media platform is Instagram, and brands are starting to take notice. It has the potential for more lucrative ad campaigns because marketers will use their time on TikTok or Reels to get organic traffic from these platforms.

    Instead of just relying solely on off-sponsored posts, which generate less money per post with other forms like video ads. This strategy could also work vice versa, depending on how you want your content distributed among various channels (Facebook feeds versus YouTube).

    Better Mobile Experience

    Better Mobile Experience

    In a new market overview, economic researchers tracked down over 27.6%, i.e., $2 billion worth of people shopping online through their cell phones! But they admit that if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, you will bounce back from the site, which means we need our sites structured so well on mobile devices too for maximum productivity and effectiveness in PPC promotions. 

    Better Mobile Experience will give you three key benefits:

    1. Better call to action with more transparent ad text and destination URLs directly from Google Ads.
    2. A more detailed performance report shows total device conversions at the ad group level, “not just clicks or impressions.”
    3. Ability to manage bids across all devices programmatically through an automated bid strategy platform like Bidtellect.

    Video Ads Are Away

    Google recently introduced Video Ads as a new PPC advertising technique. Video ads can be displayed as either TrueView or Video Discovery ads and allow advertisers to advertise on YouTube and other video sites directly and reach users on Google search result pages that are searching for related videos. Video ads provide a great chance to connect with your audience personally by adding a face to the purchase decision process.

    Every day, facebook gets 8 billion views. And most of them are watched from mobile devices! So make sure you optimize your content for viewing in the palm of one’s hand by checking if it’s already responsive or not- otherwise known as “mobile-friendly.”

    It means that you’ll need to adjust accordingly depending upon what type of screen size you’re using: tablet (size=’large’), smartphone(small), laptop(medium).

    You can create custom audiences based on these results, which will help to reach specific target markets with tailored ads more effectively than ever before. 

    Smart Bidding

    Smart Bidding

    Smart bidding is a more innovative way to optimize your ads for conversion based on the goals you set. Google’s AI system automatically optimizes within each auction, so all it takes to be successful is fundamental information about what kind of campaign or ad unit works best and how much time it is left.

    A lot can happen behind the scenes when Google decides which keywords should appear next during this type of automated strategy called “Smart Bidding,” which means automated bidding strategy. You tell Google what your advertising goal is, and Smart Bidding figures out how to get it done within your budget, all on its own!

    It is a great way to get the most from your advertising spending. It can help you target specific audiences with CPA goals, ROAS in mind, and conversions on higher too!

    Implement These Trends Now!

    As you can see, there are new PPC trends that will be important for your business to get ahead. From AI-powered chatbots to augmented reality ads on mobile devices, these changes could significantly impact how people search and find products or services online. 

    By paying attention now and adopting the latest PPC trends in 2021, you’ll give yourself an advantage over competitors who don’t make this change soon enough! 

    If any of the above is unclear, or you want help implementing any of these strategies into your digital marketing plan, feel free to reach out anytime.

    In addition, I offer complimentary consultations where I would love to go through everything with you.

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