Posts tagged Google Text Ads Update

7 Quick Tips To Make Your Google Ads Copy writing More Effective!

Effective Google Ads copywriting is challenging to master and talent that seems hard to learn. And there are no shortcuts to writing compelling Google Ads copy. This process takes time, lots of research, and trial-and-error. But here are some tips for getting your ads in the best position possible when creating them. 

 If you’ve never written an ad before or want to make a quick change in your campaign’s copy, The following tips are must-knows. First, remember the Google prompts: “be clear, be concise and target your audience.” so use them as an effective marketing tool to provide helpful information to your customers and generate more leads!

7 Tips To Make Your Google Ads Copy More Effective

There are multiple things that you can do in order to make your Google Ads copy more effective. Following are some of the best tips:

1. Use Action Verbs

A classic way to write effective Google Ads is to use action words. It’s essential to describe how things happen, using action verbs instead of facts or other information. It helps people feel involved in the process instead of just a passive observer watching it unfold.

As an example, you might use phrases such as:

“Buy now! Save $10 on your next purchase!”; “Grab 75% off this deal with code GIVE75”; “Redeem offer code at checkout,” or “Use promo code JEWEL when purchasing.”

2. Be Concise But Targeted

The rule of thumb is ensuring the copy is excellently targeted and brief. So, try not to make a product description too wordy or obnoxiously long; people will tire of it and move on to another screen where they can find something more useful. Instead, please choose the most concise way possible to explain what you do and why it’s better than anything else for this need in this space at this point.

For example, if you’re trying to rank #1 on the keyword “sell jeans,” then use keywords like “Best Selling Jeans,” “Sell Brown Jeans,” or “Sale Denim.” 

3. Make It About Them

Don’t try to persuade someone into buying from you; instead, help convince them they must buy from you because your product/service is better than what they already have. Or even better than anything your customers have imagined as an alternative option for themselves (that’s what being excellent means!).  

People tend to feel more compelled when they feel they’re being talked to personally. It makes them want to do what you ask them to do because they seem to care about you! -Personalize the information: Words like “you,” “your,” “our,” and “we” add a feeling of closeness and make people feel more connected with you.

Also Read – Google Ads Replacing Smart Shopping to Performance Max Campaigns this July 2022

4. Include A Beneficial Offer

As any copywriting expert will tell you, Google Ads are all about the customer benefit. The copy for the ad is what drives the customer to take action. 

It can get done by mentioning the “Beneficial Offer” in your ad’s headline, subhead, and body copy. For example, if you’re selling an e-book, say that you have included a free bonus chapter. If you’re selling clothes, offer some discount for buying your goods with a minimum order value.

5. Be Empathetic

The classic Google Ad copy tip is to write ads that are “empathetic” to the reader. It means writing advertisements that make you feel like you’re the company described in the ad so that when people click on it, they’ll be more likely to buy whatever it sells. 

For example, if your ad targets people at least 50, you could write, “Nostalgia hits harder than ever.” This copy will draw in older consumers who remember things like being 50 years old, their youth more clearly, and nostalgic feelings of the good old days. 

6. Use A Friendly Tone

People respond better to friendly tones than threatening ones. If you’re writing an ad for a home security system, for instance, it might be best if you tried using a reassuring tone in your ad copy instead of one that was stern and impersonal. You don’t want potential customers to feel threatened by the idea of buying your product or service, so let them know straight away that you understand their concerns and have solutions that address them without being overbearing about it.

7. Keep Testing Your Copy

By testing your Google Ads copy, you can see what your potential customers find when searching for products related to your target keywords. You can use this information to improve your ad copy and optimize it for maximum effectiveness.

So, always test your ad copy, then analyze what can be improved, adding or updating your video or images with new ones, changing the text slightly in your headline and CTA, or even wholly changing both if you feel confident doing so. 


Google Ads are the lifeblood of any online business. But despite their importance, they can be tricky to get right – and even more challenging to analyze the impact of your ad campaigns. So, in this article, I provided you with some quick tips that will help you write compelling and engaging copy for Google Ads users. Armed with these tips, you should be able to boost your campaign’s results in no time at all!
Also, if you need help or consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Google To Shut Down Expanded Text Ads This June 2022

Google is moving to shut down expanded text ads this June 2022. So what does this mean for you as a marketer? What should you do now, so you don’t miss your revenue? With this in mind, it’s time to prepare yourself and your company for this change and ensure you’re ready for it. This article will discuss how the new update will affect users and how you can prepare yourself for the difference.

Google – The New Update

Last year, in August 2021, Google announced that starting June 30, 2022, they will only allow responsive search ads to be created or edited in standard search campaigns. To improve the user experience and implement new features, they are removing the action of editing expanded text ads. As part of this change, now you won’t be able to create or edit expanded text ads.

However, the changes aren’t fleeting, though. Your existing expanded text ads will still continue to show next to responsive search ads, and you’ll still see reports on your expanded text ads’ performance. And quoting Google, advertisers who switch to responsive search ads will see an average 7% increase in conversions, and the price remains similar. But if you adopt this change, then how it’s going to affect you and how to prepare yourself for this update? Let’s check out that now!

How Will This Do Change Affect You As A Marketer?

Google announced that it would be shutting down its expanded text ads program in June. Advertisers who use this type of ad need to switch to a different advertising format. But, will it benefit them or not?

Well, hell yes!

In its one announcement, Google has said that each day, about 15% of Google searches have never-before-used phrases. And to stay ahead of available ads and innovations, Google, the search engine, is expanding its automated capabilities. It will help you reach people or your targeted audience who need your content, products, and services as an advertiser. And with responsive search ads, it will get possible. These ads use machine learning, which will help put relevant ads in front of more people.

Also Read: Google Ads Replacing Smart Shopping To Performance Max Campaigns This July 2022.

How Can You Prepare Yourself For This Change?

Google provides advice on how to prepare for this change. It suggests you should have at least one responsive search ad for every campaign in your Search Ad groups by June 30, 2022.

With the new change, your existing expanded text ads will still be working, which you can see in the performance reports tab, and won’t get stopped, but you can not create a new one. However, you can still pause them as often as you need. 

Now that you’re getting started in responsive search ads remember to use these insights, best practices, and tools to create effective campaigns. These are all suggested by Google:

  1. Take high-performing content from your expanded text ads and repurpose them to achieve quality. Now, only spend your money on top quality ads and focus on reaching ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’ Ad strength.
  2. In your account, you should check for recommendations for responsive search ads. These personalized suggestions will allow you to improve your responsive search ads.
  3. Create pin headlines or descriptions in your responsive search ads to show specific vital messages. It helps message that always needs to get displayed on your search engine ads.
  4. Try different ad variations. Using these will help you test your ads across various campaigns and see how they perform at scale.
  5. Analyze cross-campaign asset reporting to understand how your customers engage with your campaigns and which headlines and descriptions resonate the most.
  6. Please find out how well your ads are doing by evaluating the number of impressions, clicks, and conversions they received.
An Additional Bonus Point

To reach more people and be more successful, you should use broad match keywords with Smart Bidding and responsive search ads. They will allow you to get new, high-performing queries and optimize your bids in real-time. Hence, if you start using responsive search ads with broad matches and Smart Bidding using the same assets, you will see an average of 20% more conversions with similar costs. 

However, if you need any consultancy regarding this update, you can contact me over here
Source: Google