Table of Contents

    In PPC, there is a lot of competition. No matter the size of your company, you rely on a solid and effective PPC campaign to generate sales. But with so many platforms, tools and strategies out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start.  

    PPC is one of the most effective ways to generate new business. It allows you to target specific customers with your message right when they are looking for what you offer. To be successful in PPC, you need to have a well-rounded campaign that includes solid building blocks.

    You know you need to be running PPC ads, but what are the best practices? How do you make sure your budget is being used effectively? What are the different types of campaigns that can be run? 

    If these questions have popped up in your mind, then this blog post is for you. Find out how to start a successful PPC campaign with these five building blocks!

    What Makes A PPC Campaign Successful?

    What Makes A PPC Campaign Successful?

    PPC campaigns are successful because they produce quality results for their customers over time. It requires ongoing optimization to meet the challenges of an ever-changing market. 

    Quality PPC campaigns are fueled by the attentiveness and continuous improvement in three main areas: keywords, ad creatives, and landing pages.

    An effective PPC campaign can generate conversions. The more conversions your campaign generates, the more likely it’s thriving! Various factors should go into evaluating a successful PPC campaign, but it boils down to numbers.

    Successful PPC campaigns use a mix of primary and advanced techniques, including:

    1. Keyword research to identify the volume and cost of relevant keywords.
    2. Compelling conversion copy to draw in potential customers.
    3. Ads targeted at optimal demographics for profit.
    4. Showing ad quality by following best practices, always keeping ads relevant, and only bidding on high-quality keywords pertinent to your business and ecosystem.

    Also read: 7 Top Google Ads Best-Practices To Skyrocket Your Sales!

    5 Proven Building Blocks To An Effective PPC Campaign

    Here are five proven building blocks that will help any business create an effective PPC campaign:

    Constant Testing Of Ad Copy Optimization

    Constant Testing Of Ad Copy

    PPC campaigns usually involve testing out different versions of ad copy (headlines, description lines, offer) to find the perfect combination that will lead you to the best results in terms of CTR (Click-Through-Rate). 

    You need to constantly optimize PPC ad copy because the Google algorithm regularly keeps changing from time to time. You also need to cross-check PPC ad copy with a landing page or PPC campaign keywords. It will enable you to earn more click-through rates, improve conversion rates, and reduce PPC cost per click.

    The more often you test, the better your chances of finding what performs best for your business. PPC especially is a very dynamic environment, meaning that you have to continually update your strategy to stay abreast with the continuously changing PPC market.

    Also read: 11 Critical Google Ads Metrics To Track In 2021

    Continuity In Landing Page & Ad Copy

    PPC requires that you give importance to both the Landing Page and Ad copy, as this will prove crucial for you to get those conversions. If people click on an ad that leads them to the wrong page, they will abandon your website right away, and PPC ads can be pretty expensive compared to other marketing channels like SEO (Organic Ranking).

    Your landing pages must be in sync with ad copies that are being used for PPC campaigns. Various PPC marketing specialists have realized that using PPC ads that match the content of landing pages is an effective way to increase return on investment (ROI) levels. It also helps in decreasing the cost per click by ensuring high visitor value.

    Right & Accurate Audience Targeting

    Right & Accurate Audience Targeting

    A lot depends upon the accuracy of targeting your audience while using PPC marketing. A PPC campaign can give you maximum returns when it is targeted for a specific audience segment. For example, PPC ads are being used by various b2b advertisers to reach out to their target market, ranging from managers right up to CEOs of big corporations. They are also used by many small businesses who wish to reach out to their target consumer base every time they log online on search engines.

    So, PPC campaigns should be carefully planned out and executed after considering every possible target audience & removing all likely demographics which do not convert well for you. PPC is expensive, so it would be a waste to spend on too broad an audience or one that will not yield conversions for your business.

    Effective Call-To-Action Button

    You need to have a compelling call-to-action button after the ad headline has hooked your customers’ attention towards your Ad campaign. It’s important because PPC campaigns with CTA buttons that fail to persuade visitors will not help you convert visitors into customers.

    Your campaigns should have a call-to-action button which can either be “Learn More,” “Download,” “Buy Now,” among others, and they need to stand out from the rest of the ad text as people often will only look at them briefly before deciding whether they would want to click on them or not.

    Mobile-Friendly Ads & Landing Page

    Mobile-Friendly Ads & Landing Page

    You should create your Ad Campaign with mobile users in mind, and you need to make sure that your ads do not appear like Desktop Ads. You need to make sure that your PPC ad copies and PPC landing page are designed in a manner that ensures easy access for your target PPC audience through smartphones or other handheld devices.

    For example, you should design your ads to fit into a mobile screen, if you have a landing page, it should be visible without zooming in, and ads also need to have clickable links that can lead people from the ad to your website. Your campaign should have a lot of testing done on Ads and Landing Pages, so don’t refer back to what worked before if it’s not converting well for your business this time around.

    Wrapping Up!

    I hope you enjoyed the article! 

    The key to an effective PPC campaign is by following these proven building blocks. If you’re not sure how to incorporate them into your strategy, contact me for help. 

    I am a Google Ads Specialist in this field and would love to talk with you more about it or answer any questions that might come up as you set out on this journey of developing a successful ad plan.

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